
MLG-2 WebChecker

Your Benefits

  • Edge position detection for webs of 145 mm to 3,150 mm with a measurement accuracy of ± 0.3 mm – for machines with maximum performance
  • Easy format change with flexible web width measurement increases customer satisfaction
  • The MLG-2 WebChecker measures 5 webs at a time, therefore reducing the number of sensors in the application
  • Modern Ethernet interface for quick, reliable data transmission increases system availability
  • Prevention of errors and reduced downtime during format change



The MLG-2 WebChecker measuring automation light grid is based on established technology combined with the most advanced software and is used for high-precision web width measurement. The light grid also measures large web widths with revolutionary accuracy. The MLG-2 WebChecker can find up to 10 edges or 5 webs and measure them continuously. With semi-transparent objects, the light grid measures up to 10 edges defined by the customer.


At a glance
  • Measurement accuracy: ± 0.3 mm
  • Resolution: 0.1 mm
  • Measuring field: 3,150 mm (in 150 mm steps)
  • Response time: 32 μs (from beam to beam)
  • Interfaces: 3 switching outputs, analog interface, IO-Link, RS-485, PROFINET, EtherCAT® and EtherNet/IP™
  • Operating range: 2,500 mm
  • Interface output: 10 edges with 5 edges and 5 center positions