
Floatless Level Switch (Basic Type) 61F-G[]

Easy maintenance with building-block Relay Units.

• Easy identification of operating status with LED operation indicator.

• Lineup includes models for tropical regions and for high temperatures. Achieve stable detection even in hightemperature environments.

Items General-purpose
61F-[] (TDL)
*1, *2
Long-distance Controllers
61F-[]L 2KM (for 2 km)
61F-[]L 4KM (for 4 km)
Controlling materials
and operating
For control of
ordinary purified
water or sewage
For control of ordinary
purified water or sewage
water in cases where the
ambient temperature is
For control of ordinary purified water in
cases where the distance between sewage
pumps and water tanks or between
receiver tanks and supply tanks is long or
where remote control is required.
Supply voltage 100, 110, 120, 200, 220 or 240 VAC; 50/60 Hz
Operating voltage range 85% to 110% of rated voltage
InterElectrode voltage 8 VAC
InterElectrode current Approx. 1 mA AC max.
Power consumption 61F-G[]: 3.5 VA max.; G1F-G1[], G1F-G2[], or G1F-I[]: 5.5 VA max.; G1F-G3[]: 7.5 VA max.;
G1F-G4[]: 14.5 VA max.
InterElectrode operate
0 to approx. 4 kΩ 0 to approx. 5 kΩ 0 to approx. 1.8 kΩ (for 2 km)
0 to approx. 0.7 kΩ (for 4 km)
InterElectrode release
Approx. 15 k to ∞ Ω Approx. 15 k to ∞ Ω 4 k to ∞ Ω (for 2 km)
2.5 k to ∞ Ω (for 4 km)
Cable length *3 1 km max. 600 m max. 2 km max.
4 km max.
Control output 2 A, 220 VAC (Inductive load: cosφΦ = 0.4)
5 A, 220 VAC (Resistive load)
Ambient temperature Operating: -10 to 55°C (-10 to 70°C for 61F-[]T)
Ambient humidity Operating: 45% to 85% RH
Insulation resistance *4 100 MΩ min. (at 500 VDC)
Dielectric strength *4 2000 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min.
Life expectancy Electrical: 500,000 operations min.
Mechanical: 5,000,000 operations min.
Weight 61F-G[]: Approx. 380 g, G1F-G1[], G1F-G2[], or G1F-I[]: Approx. 750 g; G1F-G3[]: Approx.
930 g; G1F-G4[]: Approx. 1,710 g



Items High-sensitivity
61F-[]H *1
61F-[]D *1
Two-wire Controller
61F-[]R *1
Controlling materials
and operating
For control of liquids
with high specific
resistance such as
distilled water
For control of liquids with
low specific resistance
such as salt water, sewage
water, acid chemicals,
alkali chemicals
For control of ordinary purified water
or sewage water used in combination
with Two-wire Electrode Holder
(incorporating a resistor of 6.8 kΩ)
It is possible to wire with less than one
wiring against general 61F’s wiring.
Supply voltage 100, 110, 120, 200, 220 or 240 VAC; 50/60 Hz
Operating voltage range 85% to 110% of rated voltage
InterElectrode voltage 24 VAC 8 VAC
InterElectrode current Approx. 1 mA AC max.
Power consumption 61F-G[]: 3.5 VA max.; G1F-G1[], G1F-G2[], or G1F-I[]: 5.5 VA max.; G1F-G3[]: 7.5 VA max.;
G1F-G4[]: 14.5 VA max.
InterElectrode operate
Approx. 15 kΩ to
70 kΩ *5
0 to approx. 1.8 kΩ 0 to approx. 1.1 kΩ
InterElectrode release
Approx. 300 k to ∞ Ω Approx. 5 k to ∞ Ω Approx. 15 k to ∞ Ω
Cable length *3 50 m max. 1 km max. 800 m max.
Control output 2 A, 220 VAC (Inductive load: cosφΦ = 0.4)
5 A, 220 VAC (Resistive load)
Ambient temperature Operating: -10 to 55°C (-10 to 70°C for 61F-[]T)
Ambient humidity Operating: 45% to 85% RH
Insulation resistance *4 100 MΩ min. (at 500 VDC)
Dielectric strength *4 2000 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min.
Life expectancy Electrical: 500,000 operations min.
Mechanical: 5,000,000 operations min.
Weight 61F-G[]: Approx. 380 g, G1F-G1[], G1F-G2[], or G1F-I[]: Approx. 750 g; G1F-G3[]: Approx.
930 g; G1F-G4[]: Approx. 1,710 g